Kashmir’s Resilience : Stories of the Valley’s People



Scenery of Kashmir

Kashmir is frequently referred to as "Paradise on Earth" because of its breathtaking natural surroundings, which include imposing mountains, verdant valleys, tranquil lakes, and dense forests.

Beautiful Scenery

Dal lake

Take a boat ride on Dal Lake while admiring the lovely houseboats and well-known floating gardens.

Dal Lake

Adventure sports in kashmir

Kashmir is a mecca for thrill-seekers because to its variety of adventure activities, which include trekking, skiing, white-water rafting, and paragliding.

Adventure Sports

Culture in kashmir

Discover Kashmir's diverse cultural legacy, which includes its distinctive fusion of Muslim and Hindu customs, handicrafts, and traditional festivals.

Cultural Diversity

Skiing in Gulmarg

Experience top-notch skiing and snowboarding at Gulmarg, often known as the "meadow of flowers."

Skiing in Gulmarg


Unwind in this picturesque town, which is home to the Lidder River, lush green meadows, and the beginning of the Amarnath Yatra pilgrimage.


Kashmiris are renowned for their warm friendliness, therefore encounters with residents in this area are frequently heartwarming.

Warm friendliness

Cuisine of Kashmir

Enjoy the delectable cuisine of Kashmir, which is renowned for its rich and aromatic dishes like Rogan Josh, Wazwan, and the well-known Kashmiri pulao.

Delicious Cuisine

Mughal Gardens

Visit Srinagar's magnificent Mughal Gardens, which feature tiered lawns, flowing fountains, and gorgeous floral arrangements.

Mughal Gardens

images that speaks

Explore the unique views of Kashmir

Scenery of Kashmir
Scenery Of Kashmir
Dal lake
Dal Lake
Adventure sports in kashmir
Adventure Sports
Culture in kashmir
Cultural Diversity
Skiing in Gulmarg
Skiing in Gulmarg
Warm Welcome
Cuisine of Kashmir
Cuisines of Kashmir
Mughal Gardens
Mughal Gardens

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