
It's Time to Start Your Adventures

Whether you’re planning a luxury cruise, a family trip, or a backpacking adventure throughout India, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we offer competitive prices to ensure that you get the most out of your budget.


The crackling campfire weaves tales of camaraderie, while the wilderness hums a lullaby to weary hearts.


Each step on the journey of sightseeing unveils a new chapter of beauty, offering memories that forever ignite the spark of wanderlust within us.


Embarking on a trekking journey not only tests your physical endurance but also nurtures a sense of self-discovery and awe-inspiring wonder for the world around us.

Cruise Travel

Cruise travel offers a delightful escape, where the soothing rhythm of the waves accompanies an array of onboard luxuries. Discover new horizons while relishing the allure of the open sea.

Water Sports

Water travel offers a serene escape, where gentle waves carry us towards unexplored horizons, allowing us to drift away from the hustle of the world and embrace the tranquility of the open seas.

Transportation and Stay

Enjoy seem less transportation facilities and enjoy amazing stay at various luxurious homestay and hotels.


In the heart of adventure, lives the spirit of exploration, igniting a flame that fuels the soul and leaves an indelible mark on the journey of life.

Family pack offers

Enjoy unbeatable savings and togetherness with our exclusive family pack offers! Treat your loved ones to a delightful experience while keeping your budget intact.

Winter Sports

From the graceful dance of figure skating to the heart-pounding speed of downhill skiing, winter sports ignite a passion for adventure and test the mettle of athletes amidst the snow-cloaked landscapes.

Why Outdoor Adventure

From the graceful dance of figure skating to the heart-pounding speed of downhill skiing, winter sports ignite a passion for adventure and test the mettle of athletes amidst the snow-cloaked landscapes.

What You Get

Get the most amazing deals and experiences with Lifetravello. Here are some of the experiences: